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Скачать с ютуб The Main Reasons Succulents Die & How To Prevent Them в хорошем качестве

The Main Reasons Succulents Die & How To Prevent Them 1 год назад

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The Main Reasons Succulents Die & How To Prevent Them

Most succulents are hardy plants that can survive where other plants fail. But even they can die if the growing conditions are not right. Succulents can die for many different reasons which we will identify in this video. We'll also have a look at how to prevent succulents from dying. Timeline: 00:00 Intro 00:39 8 Reasons Why Succulents Die 00:41 Growing Indoors 02:20 Overwatering 04:47 Underwatering 05:52 Sunburn 07:40 Pests 09:19 Fungus 10:38 Bad Potting Mix 11:37 Rootbound #succulents #succulentcare #succulentsdie #succulentsproblems
