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American Cocker Spaniel

The American Cocker Spaniel. A really jolly soul, this dog is a pleasure to be around. A cheerful dude who’s willing to please, loves to play and has a sweet, sensitive nature; a truly modern man. Happy to go along with your family’s plans, and he loves a country outing. Here he can run free and feed his inquisitive nature, but that doesn’t mean he’s not more than comfortable in the city too, and has no problem with a walk on a lead. He’s amazingly affectionate and friendly with anything that moves, including people he doesn’t really know. He’ll enjoy a good roll around with you, but will also need a decent daily walk; the longer the better! With such a silky covering he really needs a great deal of care to look and feel good. He’ll need to be brushed and combed two or three times per week. Clipping should really be done by a pro for the best results. Interesting facts: This breed has been a very popular choice amongst US presidents, Nixon, Truman and most recently Bill Clinton had him. The American Cocker Spaniel. Here you could have a truly nice guy, if you’re willing to put in the effort.
