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How to apply for the Hong Kong bno visa

What is the Hong Kong bno visa? The Hong Kong bno visa category is for Hong Kong’s British National (Overseas) citizens - or bno citizens and their families to enter the UK following the politically divisive national security law. Through this immigration route, qualified individuals will be able to apply for permanent residency and British citizenship after five years. The Hong Kong bno visa route will be open for applications from January 2021. What are the requirements for a Hong Kong bno visa application? In order to qualify for a Hong Kong bno visa you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) that: You have Hong Kong bno citizenship Status: bno citizenship statuses were given to people who were previously British Overseas Territories citizen by connection with Hong Kong who registered for bno citizenship before 1997 when the sovereignty of Hong Kong was handed back to China by the UK. If you are not already a bno status holder, you cannot apply to become one. The effect of a bno status allows the holder to stay in the UK for up to 6 months without a visa, subject to immigration control. You cannot pass your Hong Kong bno citizenship status down to your children: so there is only a limited number of bno status holders in the world. However, immediate family members of bno status holders, including partners, spouses, or children under 18 years old are eligible to apply for the Hong Kong bno visa. An estimate of 2.9 million people in Hong Kong has bno statuses of which 300,000 people are currently holding a valid bno passport. An individual's Hong Kong bno visa status is recognised regardless of whether or not the individual has a valid passport. You can prove your Hong Kong BNO status using a valid or expired Hong Kong BNO citizen passport: If you don't have a Hong Kong BNO passport, the Home Office may be able to look at records to check your status. You must be a Hong Kong Resident: The Main Applicant and family members must have Hong Kong as their usual place of residence. Show evidence that you can support and finance your needs: The main applicant and their dependants must demonstrate they can provide their own accommodation and financial income once they arrive in the UK. This is vitally important because new Hong Kong BN(O) Visa citizens living in the UK on a visa won't be eligible to access public funds such as social welfare benefits. Demonstration of good character: do not commit crimes, do not engage in behaviour not conducive to the public good, and do not be subject to other general grounds for refusal. Learn the English language: Must show a commitment to learning the English language where appropriate. Tuberculosis (TB) test certificate: Where necessary, the principal applicant and dependants must show they are free from TB. A valid health certificate can be obtained from any clinic approved by the Home Office. Fees: Pay the application fee and Immigration Health Surcharge fee to gain access to the NHS. The exact requirements you will need to satisfy will vary depending on your circumstances. You may want to speak to our expert immigration lawyers for legal advice. Can I study and work in the UK on a Hong Kong bno visa? Yes, Hong Kong bno visa holders can work and study in the UK. The Secretary of State is not imposing skills tests on applicants, nor do they need to prove they have a job before coming to the UK- they can look for work once arrived. Is there a path to British Citizenship on a Hong Kong bno visa? Yes, after living in the UK for five years on the Hong Kong bno Visa, during which time you stayed away from crime, supported yourself financially, and otherwise complied with the terms of your visa, you will be able to apply for settled status. After a further year, you may apply for British citizenship. Contact Us for Further Information or Post Any Questions You Have in the Comments Section Below This Video Visit us at for more information on making a Hong Kong bno visa application. You can also contact us by email at [email protected] or give us a call on 0208 616 1819. Please send us any comments if you like the video or if you have any questions arising from anything in the video. Please also send us any comments on any other topics you would like us to post a video about. Your valuable feedback is greatly appreciated! PLEASE LIKE THIS VIDEO AND SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL FOR MORE VIDEOS ON RELATED TOPICS
