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Скачать с ютуб MIKE ZUGLAN vs RAY MARTIN - 1992 US Open 14.1 Championship в хорошем качестве

MIKE ZUGLAN vs RAY MARTIN - 1992 US Open 14.1 Championship 1 год назад

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MIKE ZUGLAN vs RAY MARTIN - 1992 US Open 14.1 Championship

Mike Zuglan vs Ray Martin from the 1992 US Open 14.1 Championship at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York on August 22nd, 1992. While more known these days for his long running Joss NE 9-Ball Tour and Turning Stone Classic events, Mike Zuglan was a top level pool player at the time of this match. Zuglan had started this event out on the wrong side of a 150 ball run in his match against Mike Sigel. He gets to flex his 14.1 muscles in this match and shows what he was capable of on the table. “Cool Cat” Ray Martin was a three time World Straight Pool Champion, having won the title in 1971, 1974 and 1978. In addition to his straight pool accomplishments, he won many 9-ball events, especially in the Florida area. Martin as inducted into the BCA Hall of Fame in 1994. Grady Mathews and his special guest Nick Varner called the action. - - - - - - - - - You can watch over 400 Accu-Stats Arena matches from the 2018 - 2022 INTL 9-BALL OPEN and 2016-2022 Derby City Classic, 2015-2017 US Open 9-Ball, as well as other Accu-Stats Invitationals on Accu-Stats Vimeo Subscription service: Website: Facebook:   / accustats   Twitter:   / accustatspool   Instagram:   / accu_stats_.  . Vimeo: International Open Website: Roku Channel Name: ACCUSTATS ©2023 Accu-Stats Video Productions #accustats #billiards
