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Why Avengers VS X-Men is Really Way Closer Than You Think!

The Avengers vs the X-Men! Marvel’s two premiere superhero teams - two teams that have fought before and with the way the MCU is progressing, will probably fight again! But in a fight like this, who’s gonna ultimately come out on top - and really, is it even gonna be close? Well let’s get into it! BECOME A MEMBER! Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @danco   JOIN OUR DISCORD! The Battle Arena community is waiting for you! Bring your best debates and questions!   / discord   If you want to see more videos like this, SUBSCRIBE here!    / @danco   Join our DANCO DISCORD!   / discord   Merch - TikTok -   / danco_yt   BACKGROUND MUSIC NF Type Beat "COURAGE" | Cinematic Dark Type Beat | Aggressive Epic Type Beat (Prod by Pendo46) SOCIAL MEDIA INSTAGRAM (DanCo) -   / danco_yt   INSTAGRAM (Personal) -   / daniel_turnerrrr   INSTAGRAM (Personal) -   / drewharrison   SUPPORT ME Paypal Donations - You can also give back here!
