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Mike Preston - Girl Without A Heart

Mike Preston (no relation!) was originally a ballad singer who signed with Decca Records during the late 1950s. Prior to this he had been Jack Davis a successful boxer winning 70 out of 78 professional fights. With Decca he had several hits including Mr.Blue, Marry Me, I'd Do Anything (from Lionel Barts 'Oliver' - and recently used in a Volkswagen TV ad) and 'Togetherness'. There are videos of Mike from ITV's 'Oh Boy!' (1959) available. Following his early music career he emigrated to Australia and became first of all a TV presenter and variety show host, and then with another career move Mike turned to acting and had a long running role with a police drama series titled 'Homicide' (1972-74). Also appeared in Aussie soap 'Bellbird' (1974-76) Moving effortlessly between TV and movies he starred in several thrillers and made famous the role of 'Pappagallo' in the Mel Gibson sequel 'Mad Max 2' (1981). This recording is a typical ballad of the time (1959) and was the 'b' side of his chart single 'Marry Me'. There is an excellent compilation of his Decca sides on a Vocalion CD titled 'Mr.Blue'.
