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Скачать с ютуб My journey as a DOCTOR from INDIA to UK | 5 top tips for International Medical Graduates | AceurMRCP в хорошем качестве

My journey as a DOCTOR from INDIA to UK | 5 top tips for International Medical Graduates | AceurMRCP 1 год назад

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My journey as a DOCTOR from INDIA to UK | 5 top tips for International Medical Graduates | AceurMRCP

In this video, I'll share my journey as an international medical graduate doctor, highlighting the transition from India to the UK. If you're an international medical graduate aspiring to practice medicine in the UK, you're in the right place! Join me as I provide you with my top 5 tips for a successful career path in the UK. TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 How my journey started as a doctor from India to the UK 1:09 Pro Tip 1 - How your undergraduate degree will help you 2:00 Pro Tip 2 - Why structured medical training in India is important 3:29 Pro Tip 3 - How to streamline your India experience with the UK 4:44 Pro Tip 4 - Why non-training jobs in the UK are important 5:48 Pro Tip 5 - Goal setting for becoming a doctor in the UK Thank you and I hope you find this video helpful. Dr. Aparajita Roy MBBS, MD, MRCP #DoctorInUK #IMGinUK #UKMedicalCareers
