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I Built the First Automated C4 Factory in Rust..

I Discovered an INFINITE C4 Trick in Rust.. In this video I planned to create the first ever C4 factory in Rust in a highly contested official server. This was going to be one of my biggest grinds yet since the items and scrap required for making one was going to take days to get. I'll explain everything needed in the video & also stick around to the end since I get one of my best revenge stories with my automatic C4 factory.. Feel free to Like, Comment & Subscribe for more content like this! Base designer: ‪@RustyYT1‬ 🔻Links🔻 Business Email: [email protected] Discord:   / discord   Twitter:   / hydieofficial​   Instagram:   / ​   Music by Epidemic Sound: #rust #rustpvp #rustmovie
