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2023 Tarawera Ultra Marathon by UTMB | Race Highlights 1 год назад

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2023 Tarawera Ultra Marathon by UTMB | Race Highlights

In this video, we'll share highlights of the 2023 Tarawera Ultra Marathon by UTMB, one of the most iconic and spectacular trail races in New Zealand. This race is a must-do for any trail runner looking for an epic race experience. This event is packed with spectacular scenery and an iconic course that will test your trail running skills to the limit. Be sure to check out this race video and see for yourself why it's one of the most popular ultra races in the world! #utmbworldseries #meetyourextraordinary #roadtoutmb #taraweraultramarathon 💎💎💎 THE ULTIMATE GLOBAL TRAIL RUNNING WORLD SERIES. Bringing together 35 leading international events across Asia, Oceania, Europe, Africa and the Americas, the UTMB® World Series gives you the chance to experience the UTMB® adventure close to home and to begin your quest to enter UTMB® Mont-Blanc. Meet your extraordinary, start to find an event: ➡️ Follow us: Facebook ➡️   / utmbworldseries   Instagram ➡️   / utmbworldseries   Strava ➡️   / strava  
