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Everything you need to Know about Dual Clutch Transmission | Hyundai

Model shown in video is for demonstration purposes only. Availability and functionality on your vehicle may vary. Discover what a Dual Clutch Transmission is, how it works and how it combines the sportiness of a manual transmission with the convenience of an automatic. Applicable to following 2018 and later models (when equipped): Hyundai SONATA Hyundai ELANTRA Hyundai ELANTRA GT Hyundai KONA Hyundai SONATA Hyundai SONATA Hybrid Hyundai TUCSON Hyundai VELOSTER Hyundai IONIQ Hyundai IONIQ Plug-In 2021+ Hyundai SANTA FE Learn more about your Hyundai: Subscribe to Hyundai on YouTube for more of our how-to’s, commercials and latest videos:    / hyundaiusa   Connect with Hyundai online. Website: Facebook:   / hyundai   Twitter:   / hyundai   Instagram: #HyundaiUSA
