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The S&P 500 -- Shocking Facts You Didn't Know 2 года назад

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The S&P 500 -- Shocking Facts You Didn't Know

The S&P 500 -- Shocking Facts You Didn't Know The S&P 500 is the most highly regarded stock market index in the United States, an indicator of the economy and how large companies are performing. When people talk about “the stock market” this is generally what they’re referring to. Whether you realize it or not, the S&P 500 likely has a large impact on your finances. Not knowing some basic points about it could be costing you a large amount of your retirement savings. These are some interesting points to consider about the S&P 500 that might surprise you. Taking them into consideration could greatly increase your chances of profitable investing. You’ll see exactly how often a bear market occurs, why you should be prepared for one at all times and how you can profit from these periods. Lastly, you’ll be shocked to hear what one of the most successful investors of all time has to say about investing in this index.
