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Haleiwa has always been one of my favorite waves. It's pretty fun to think back on surfing heats at the Menehune Contest with the same friends I surf with today. Thanks to Joel Centeio for being a part of this, and the rest of the community at Ali'i Beach Park. Thanks also to the cinematographers who supported and sent in clips of everyone. -------- Words by Joel Centeio Original Music by Marty Saito & Mason Pilar "Hale'iwa Hula" Produced by Spencer Klein Cinematography by Erik Knutson, Peter King, Matt Heirakuji, Jared Butler, Andrew Oliver, ASP archives Editing by Jared Butler Archival ASP footage courtesy of WSL Special thanks to Pete Johnson and Brandon Wasserman "Focus On" Motion Graphics by Moe Johnson "Haleiwa" graphic by Mckayla Butler
