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🇸🇴Sisters of Somalia l Witness

Asha Hagi Elmi and her sister Amina spearhead efforts to bring dignity to the women of Mogadishu's refugee camps. Asha Hagi Elmi is a humanitarian activist, internationally recognised for her work helping to build peace and defend the rights of women in Somalia. Witness journeys with Asha to the refugee camps of Mogadishu, swelled to bursting point in 2011 by tens of thousands of Somalis fleeing drought and the threat of famine. Asha, her sister Amina and other women from the NGO she founded, Saving Somali Women and Children (SSWC), distribute food, clothing, medical and practical aid, lend an ear to the refugees' stories and, most of all, attempt to restore dignity to the lives of the often traumatised and extremely vulnerable women and children they meet in the camps. Film by Mags Gavan & Joost van der Valk More from Witness on: YouTube - Facebook -   / ajwitness   Twitter -   / ajwitness   Instagram -   / ajwitness   Website - Subscribe to our channel: Follow us on Twitter:   / ajenglish   Find us on Facebook:   / aljazeera   Check our website: #AlJazeeraEnglish #Witness #Somalia
