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40+ MUST HAVE Mods for Cozy Gameplay | The Sims 4 (Autumn Edition)

Hello everyone! In this video I am showcasing over 40+ MUST HAVE mods for cozy gameplay in The Sims 4 that help you create the perfect autumn aesthetic. Don't forget to like the video and subscribe for more Sims 4 mods content. Let me know in the comments which overrides you love and which ones you plan to download. Thanks for watching!🍷 Links can be found here: TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Introduction 00:28 Cozy Morning Mods 03:28 Cozy Outdoor Mods 05:12 Weather Mods 06:41 Cozy Domestic Mods 08:22 Kitchen Appliances 09:29 Cozy Food Mods 11:23 Lot Traits 13:11 Personality Traits 14:52 Decor FAQ G-shade Preset: I am using a personal preset. My CC Finds :   / bougiechloe-closet   Mods Resource List: WCIF: Custom content and mods can be found on my cc finds Tumblr blog. MUSIC Music Courtesy of Music track: Dream With Tea by Lukrembo Source: SOCIALS Gallery ID: BougieChloe Discord:   / discord   Tumblr:   / bougiechloe   Twitter:   / bougiechloetv   Twitch:   / bougiechloe   Tiktok:   / bougiechloetv   Patreon:   / bougiechloe   CC Finds:   / bougiechloe-closet   Pinterest:   / bougiechloe   TAGS #thesims4 #sims4mods #sims4 #sims4overrides #gaming #simscommunity #thesims4gameplay #thesims4letsplay #simscc #thesims4lp #letsplay #bestsims4mods
