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How to Play DVD Movies on Windows 10 and Windows 11

You can play a DVD in Windows 10 for free with a little help. But that help’s probably best if it doesn’t come from Microsoft. I’ll tell you how Microsoft’s solution sort-of works for some people. Then I’ll tell you about the much better alternative called VLC that anyone can use and gets regular updates. Best of all, it’s free! Video-streaming services are all the rage, but many of us still have pretty hefty DVD collections. Unfortunately, if you pop a DVD into your Windows 10 computer, you may bump into trouble because Windows 10 Media Player doesn't support regular DVDs. So how can you play your favorite discs in Windows 10? Issues addressed in this tutorial: play dvd windows 10 play dvd windows media player play dvd windows 11 play dvd windows 10 free play dvd windows 10 media player play a dvd on windows 10 how to play dvd on computer windows 10 can't play dvd on windows 11 how to play dvd on desktop windows 10 how to play dvd windows 10 play dvd in windows 10 how to play dvd in laptop windows 11 play dvd windows media player windows 10 play dvd on windows 10 how to play dvd on windows play dvd on windows 10 media player how to play dvd on pc windows 10 play dvd with windows media player How to play DVDs in Windows 10 seems simple enough. You just insert a DVD and press play, right? Surprisingly, there’s no built in DVD playing capabilities in Windows 10. These days, that might seem to make sense since most machines come without a disc drive, but if your computer comes with a DVD drive or you own and want to use an external DVD drive, playing a DVD might seem needlessly confusing. Microsoft neutered Windows Media Player in Windows 10 so it won't play DVDs unless you pay up. But you have a few options. Here's how to get your own Windows DVD player. This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running the Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Huawei and Samsung.
