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Eternal - Nosa Omoregie ft. Uwana Etuk & 121 Selah (Official Video)

The long-awaited video for Eternal is here. Eternal is a worship anthem that depicts God’s Sovereignty. No one can truly take his place in our lives that is why he is worthy of praise. When we remember who God is and all that he means to us, we enjoy worshipping him without him forcing us to. The song is by Anointed award-winning gospel music minister, songwriter, producer, and recording artiste; Nosafeaturing Uwana Etuk and 121 Selah. Get 'Eternal' on iTunes, Apple Music, Minstrel and Deezer: Subscribe to receive upload updates: Follow Nosa On: Facebook:   / iamnosa   Twitter:   / nosaalways   Instagram:   / nosaalways   Watch More Nosa: Blessed: Always On My Mind: Why You Love Me: Music Videos: Website:
