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JBU by Jambu Maggie Sporty Sandal 2 года назад

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JBU by Jambu Maggie Sporty Sandal

For More Info or to Buy Now: JBU by Jambu Maggie Sporty Sandal As airy as an ocean breeze, these stretchy open knit sporty sandals add fashionable flair to your sportiest looks. With color contrasts in the sole and comfortable bungee sides, they're ready to cruise into the warmweather season in ultracushioned, ultracozy style. Find Your Thrill: Watch Live: StayConnected with HSN: Like HSN on Facebook:   / hsn   HSN Instagram:   / hsn   Follow HSN on Twitter:   / hsn   HSN on Pinterest:   / hsn   HSN YouTube:    / hsntv   About HSN: Welcome to HSN. The spot with one-of-a-kind finds. And the place where you are celebrated every day for what makes you remarkable. We provide the thrill of discovery and unique experiences you can’t find anywhere else with a great collection of uncommonly brilliant products from fashion and beauty to home, jewelry and electronics. HSN delivers the full immersive shopping experience no one else can. Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View to view the current selling price. HSN Item #783795
