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TAKE THIS WALTZ - clip: Morning Stroll

AUSTRALIAN RELEASE DATE: June 14, 2012 OFFICIAL SITE: When late-twenties Margot meets Daniel, their chemistry is intense and immediate. But Margot suppresses the sudden attraction: she is happily married to Lou, a celebrated cookbook writer. When Margot learns that Daniel lives across the street from them, the certainty about her domestic life shatters. She and Daniel steal moments throughout the steaming Toronto summer, their eroticism heightened by their restraint. Margot discovers some unsettling truths about herself. Swelteringly hot, bright and colourful, Take This Waltz leads us, breathlessly, through the familiar but uncharted question of what long-term relationships do to love, sex and our images of ourselves. With a soundtrack that features both emerging independent bands and legendary songs by Leonard Cohen, it's a funny, bittersweet tale of love. Director Sarah Polley (Away From Her) has created a sensual film, full of moments oscillating between joy and comedy and heartbreak.
