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Multiplying Mixed Numbers Song | 5th Grade 4 года назад

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Multiplying Mixed Numbers Song | 5th Grade

Our mission? Make math fun, engaging, and oh-so-easy for both you & your students. Our library of lesson materials is not only super-affordable but is also FREE to try out at Go on a Safari and learn how to multiply mixed numbers with unlike denominators in this Multiplying Mixed Numbers Song. In this video, viewers will learn that Mixed Number Multiplication is very similar to multiplying fractions, but with one extra step of having to convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions first. Q. What grade levels do this video target? A. This video targets learning standards in 5th grade (5.NF.6) This video also targets standards in the UK from KS4 (Year 5) to KS5 (Year 6). Q. I'd like to show my students this video but my school blocks YouTube videos. Where else can I watch this video to work around this problem? A. You can watch this video here; ad-free and child-safe: Our library of resources is growing and getting continually better. Coming Soon For WebSite Subscribers: 1. Number Notes | We're currently working on creating exercises where students will be able to take notes artistically on printable templates featuring characters from the videos. Research has shown that this will help to integrate their artistic side side of the student's brain with the mathematical side of their brain which helps with long-term memory retention. Our own research has shown us that teacher's who use start using these templates love them! It seems to be a natural fit as we move beyond our unique auditory learning tools into visual learning tools, that when used in concert, cater to the different types of learners that you teach everyday. 🍎 Hope to see you at! 🍎 This Video aligns with the following Common Core Standards: CCSS 5.NF.6 Solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem.
