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George Noory Live! A Halloween Spooky Stage Show Experience

Join us for an unforgettable Halloween experience as Tommy D Entertainment Presents: George Noory Live, a Halloween Spooky Stage Show Experience Prepare to be captivated by this spookactular stage show experience, featuring renowned hosts sharing their tales of ghosts and the paranormal, including the esteemed 'Ghost Professor' John Kachuba, Spiritual Warrior, Bill Bea and mind-blowing mentalist Jim Karol. Your horror host is the one and only Mr. Lobo, This spine-tingling event will take place on Saturday evening, October 14th, at the iconic Lincoln Theatre in Columbus, Ohio. The experience begins at 5pm. Step into the eerie ambiance of the theater by dressing up in your most creative costume. Immerse yourself in the electrifying atmosphere as we bring radio to the stage like never before. Alongside the incredible performances, you'll have the chance to meet and greet the talented guests, creating lasting memories of this extraordinary night. The stage will be lit up with not just one, but four captivating guests, accompanied by a live band that will amplify the thrill. As we celebrate the Halloween spirit, we will also honor our country's brave veterans, making this event even more special. And that's not all! We invite you to enter our Best Costume Contest for a chance to win an incredible $500 prize. So put on your most creatively creepy outfit and showcase your creativity to the world. Tickets are selling out fast, so don't wait any longer! Purchase your tickets now by visiting and clicking on the "events." tab. Don't forget to explore our website to find more information about the event, directions, and exciting updates. But wait, there's more! Before entering the theater, make sure to visit the lobby where psychic medium Ericka Boussarhane will be offering FREE readings. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to connect with the spiritual realm and find the answers to your deepest questions. Spread the word and invite your friends to this one-of-a-kind spooktacular Halloween stage show experience. Share the event on social media, tell your colleagues, and let everyone know about the unforgettable night that awaits! Get your tickets now and secure your spot at George Noory Live! A Halloween Spooky Stage Show Experience. This is a one-of-a-kind, unforgettable event that you don't want to miss. Join us for an evening filled with mystery, thrills, and unexplained phenomena. See you there! Production, Graphic Design and Photography by:
