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Скачать с ютуб NL Hotel District Leidseplein - Amsterdam Hotels, Netherlands в хорошем качестве

NL Hotel District Leidseplein - Amsterdam Hotels, Netherlands 7 лет назад

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NL Hotel District Leidseplein - Amsterdam Hotels, Netherlands

NL Hotel District Leidseplein 3 Stars Hotel in Amsterdam, Netherlands Within US Travel Directory One of our bestsellers in Amsterdam! The NL Hotel is located in the centre of Amsterdam, just minutes from the lively Leidseplein. This trendy boutique hotel offers modern rooms with a private bathroom and free Wi-Fi.You get a comfortable double bed and an LCD TV with international channels. Free Wi-Fi is available inthe entire hotel. As an extra service, NL Hotel offers free use of laptops and prepaid mobile phones. Amsterdam's prime entertainment district as well as the Museum Quarter, restaurants and shopping areas are just a short walk away. The 9 Straatjes, Jordaan neighbourhood and Anne Frank house are a 10-minute walk. Hotels Located in : NL Hotel District Leidseplein - Amsterdam Hotels, Netherlands Location in : Nassaukade 368, Oud-West, 1054 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands Booking Now : Hotels list and More information visit U.S. Travel Directory   / ustraveld  
