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Mysterious Inscription on Ancient Sphinx is Deciphered 10 месяцев назад

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Mysterious Inscription on Ancient Sphinx is Deciphered

Hello everyone! So today we have an interesting topic. We are going to talk about ancient sphinxes, and some related inscriptions! A sphinx is a mythological creature. It is usually a lion with a human face. Sphinx artworks were widespread in ancient times. Enjoy the video! Reference Revesz, P. Z. (2023). Inscription on a Naxian-style Sphinx statue from Potaissa deciphered as a poem in dactylic meter. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 23 (3), 1–15. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10442199 (open access) Image credits: Sphinx of Giza,, Griffin of Knossos,, Sphinx of Naxos,, CC BY-SA 3.0, Pillars of Ashoka, Potaissa Sphinx, Illustrirten Zeitung, 1847, no.188, Feb. 6, p. 92. Pazyryk Sphinx,
