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Скачать с ютуб 🤷‍♀️在加拿大投资亏损怎么办👀可否找CRA买单❓Tax Season is here💰报税季节到来,如果看懂了这条影片能帮您省掉很多钱💲 в хорошем качестве

🤷‍♀️在加拿大投资亏损怎么办👀可否找CRA买单❓Tax Season is here💰报税季节到来,如果看懂了这条影片能帮您省掉很多钱💲 2 года назад

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🤷‍♀️在加拿大投资亏损怎么办👀可否找CRA买单❓Tax Season is here💰报税季节到来,如果看懂了这条影片能帮您省掉很多钱💲

Lillian Huang -- Your protection specialist ensuring your financial future stays intact. ✅FREE online courses | 免费网上课程 ✅Get a FREE quote | DIY 网上免费预估报价 https://lillianhuang.thelinkbetween.c... ✅FREE 20-Minute Consultation | 预约20分钟免费咨询 How do you use a capital loss? If you have a capital loss, you can use it to reduce any capital gains you had in the year. If your allowable capital loss is more than your taxable capital gain, you may have a net capital loss. You cannot use this loss to reduce other income. However, you can use a net capital loss to reduce taxable capital gains in any of the three previous years, or in any future year. For more details on capital losses, read Chapter 5 of Guide T4037, Capital Gains. Can you claim a capital gains deduction? You cannot claim a capital gains deduction for capital gains from mutual funds. However, if you filed Form T664 or T664(Seniors), Election to Report a Capital Gain on Property Owned at the End of February 22, 1994, for any of your units or shares, the unused balance of your exempt capital gains balance (ECGB) that expired after 2004 can be added to the ACB of your units and shares. For more information, go to Capital Gains, or see Guide T4037, Capital Gains. The details from Canada Revenue Agency, please click: 📞请预约您的时间⏰与我 #LillianHuang 一起启动您个人在加拿大的退休养老 | 投资理财 |各类保险 | 和财富传承等计划💕请点击下方: 😍免费😍退休养老评估报告📊请点击下方: My YouTube中文频道:    / @lillianhuang7577   🧧 小红书: 940240293 WeChat 微信: LillianFinancial 🌐 My Website: https://www.lillianhuangfinancialplan... My YouTube:    / 530lillian   My Linkedin Page:   / admin   My Facebook:   / lillianhuangwealth   I speak English, Mandarin (國語) & Cantonese (粵語) 🛠免费加拿大理财计算与比较工具 ⚙到我的🌏网站去点"tools" 再点 "TOOLS"🍻🥂计算工具包括:贷款(Loan) | 按揭(Mortgage) | 收入(Income Tax) | 税务 (RRSP) | 教育 (RESP) | 退休 (CPP) |保险 (Insurance) 等等 人壽保險是非常重要的家庭資產保護工具, 大家可以可以選擇定期壽險來替代貸款保險. (一定注意: 如果要換保險的時候, 記得先做好新的保單 再 取消舊的哦...確定一定有公司承保才可以) 联系我:帮你⚙省钱💲省力🤷‍♀️更省时间😍 加拿大 | 投资产品 | 保险产品    • 加拿大 | 投资产品 | 保险产品   加拿大 | 投资 | 理财 |    • 加拿大各类投资理财知识 | 助您:增涨加国财富-规避人生风险 |   加拿大 | 退休福利 | 养老 | 传承 |    • 加拿大 | 退休福利 | 养老 | 传承 |   加拿大投资理财-TFSA    • 加拿大投资理财-TFSA   加拿大 | 保险 | 新移民 | 生活    • 安心出行加拿大   加拿大投资理财-RRSP    • 加拿大投资理财-RRSP   卡尔加里 | 医疗保险 | 房屋险 | 人寿险 | 重疾险    • 卡尔加里 | 医疗保险 | 房屋险 | 人寿险 | 重疾险   卡尔加里 | 汽车保险 | 信用记录 | 抗通胀    • 卡尔加里 | 汽车保险 | 信用记录 | 抗通胀   加拿大投资理财-RESP    • 加拿大投资理财-RESP   *********** Subscribe ** Like ** Share ** Comment *** Disclaimer: I am a Financial Professional, however, the content of this video is for education and entertainment ONLY! This information should not be constructed as legal or financial advice. It is your responsibility to do your own due diligence. Your money, your decisions 😊. 免责声明:所有关于理财的内容只作教育用途,并不能视为税务或理财建议. #CRA #CapitalGains #CapitalLosses #Taxes #LillianHuang #LillianHuangFinancialPlanning #FinancialAdvisor #加拿大理财 #加拿大投资 #加拿大移民 #加拿大生活 #加拿大福利 #加拿大税务 #加拿大陪读生活 #加拿大免费医疗 #加拿大保险 #投资理财
