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Stoicism and After: Philosophy and Life, with Professor A. C. Grayling 3 года назад

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Stoicism and After: Philosophy and Life, with Professor A. C. Grayling

Stoicism provided the ethical outlook of educated people in the Hellenic and Roman periods, greatly influenced Christianity which adopted a good slice of its teachings, inspired Renaissance thinkers when classical literature was studied and its insights applied, was the starting point for Descartes' discussion of moral psychology with Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia - they read Seneca together - and was a theme in Enlightenment attitudes. This was a Classics for All Lawyers Group event, hosted on Tuesday 27 April 2021. The video shown at 1:06:18 features the work of our Blackpool Sixth Form College Network, generously sponsored by Geoffrey and Caroline de Jager. You can find out more about the Blackpool Classics Network on our website:
