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Скачать с ютуб New Secret Character turns EVERYTHING GOLDEN | Dungeon Clawler в хорошем качестве

New Secret Character turns EVERYTHING GOLDEN | Dungeon Clawler 4 дня назад

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New Secret Character turns EVERYTHING GOLDEN | Dungeon Clawler

✵Playlist:    • Dungeon Clawler   Today in Dungeon Clawler we play as Hare L. Quinn, the secret character you have to unlock by finding the right key to free her. Her unique ability is that you get 1-3 random claws each turn and whenever an item falls into the pool of items, it has a 30% chance to get upgraded into the golden version. Since we now play on Nightmare Mode we have the ability to take multiple paws to compensate for the insane difficulty increase - which means instead of 30% we have a 100% chance to turn every item into it's upgraded golden version. ✵Support me and my channel with a tip: ✵Watch live at   / dexsurvivor   ✵Dex' Discord:   / discord   ✵Game on Steam: #dungeonclawler #roguelike #DexTag #gaming
