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Скачать с ютуб On Site with Matt Connecting up a new Cooker and Testing the Circuits Earth Fault Loop Impedance Zs в хорошем качестве

On Site with Matt Connecting up a new Cooker and Testing the Circuits Earth Fault Loop Impedance Zs 5 лет назад

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On Site with Matt Connecting up a new Cooker and Testing the Circuits Earth Fault Loop Impedance Zs

How to as electrician Matt is wiring up an new cooker in his latest on site with Matt video. Matt connects a new 6mm2 cable to both the cooker outlet plate and the back of the cooker. The video also includes safe isolation, polarity, the earth fault loop impedance tests and shows you how to wire up an electric cooker. Sadly I (GAZ) deleted the footage when Matt went back with his torque screwdriver to the cooker connection plate. == 🕐 Time Stamps - Cut to the action 🕕 == 00:00 - Wiring a cooking up 01:10 - Loose connection causing overheating 03:19 - Connection on the cooker 05:18 - Connecting a new cable to the cooker 12:06 - Safe isolation of the cooker circuit 16:04 - Connecting the new cooker to the cooker circuit 20:18 - Testing sequence 20:59 - Earth fault loop impedance test (Zs test) Videos are training aids for City and Guilds (C and G) and EAL courses Level 1, 2 and 3. You can follow me day by day on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter lookout for "GSH Electrical. ▶️ FACEBOOK   / gshelectrical   ▶️ INSTAGRAM   / brihzmraygdtmjmdb9lunqodmevqsbddki3qpq0   ▶️ TWITTER   / gsh_electrical   #GSHElectrical #Electricaltrainingvideos
