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Скачать с ютуб Zender vs UPG // [Kondofrey drag challenge IV] в хорошем качестве

Zender vs UPG // [Kondofrey drag challenge IV] 11 лет назад

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Zender vs UPG // [Kondofrey drag challenge IV]

"Kondofrey drag challenge" is a dragster event in Bulgaria in Sofia West Airport. This was the forth race that was held in that airport. Autokinisimag wants to thank "UPG" who was the organizer of the race and invited us to cover the whole weekend. Enjoy the videos here and the photos in our facebook pages. We will also host a review of the race in our next issue of Autokinisi magazine.To find out more check the links below. Autokinisimag: The magazine that changed everything in the world of acceleration across Greece! Official website: ▶ ▶   /   ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Autokinisimag's hosts its own RWYB since 2009: ▶ http://www.TETRAKOSARI.GR/ ▶   / tetrakosari   The magazine that enacted the modern RWYB rules in Greece.
