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Mastering Facebook Groups for Niche Markets | Secrets to Success in Real Estate

In just two years as a real estate agent, Shawn Cleary has found remarkable success by focusing on a niche market: military personnel, particularly Navy alumni. Leveraging the power of social media, he joined and later replicated a successful Facebook group model, targeting former Navy nuclear engineers. His group allows members to drive content, generating significant leads and revenue. Within just eight months, this strategy has produced $50,000 in gross commission income (GCI) with more leads in the pipeline, showcasing the potential of Facebook groups for niche real estate markets. SUBSCRIBE to watch more Keller Williams Realty videos    / @kellerwilliams   FOLLOW KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY ON SOCIAL Keller Williams Realty on Twitter   / kwri   Keller Williams Realty on Instagram   / kellerwilliamsrealty   Keller Williams Realty on Facebook   / kellerwilliamsrealty   Keller Williams Realty on LinkedIn   / mycompany   ABOUT KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY: OUR MISSION To build careers worth having, businesses worth owning, lives worth living, experiences worth giving, and legacies worth leaving. OUR VISION To be the real estate company of choice for agents and their customers. OUR VALUES God, Family, then Business OUR PERSPECTIVE A technology company that provides the real estate platform that our agents’ buyers and sellers prefer. Keller Williams thinks like a top producer, acts like a trainer-consultant, and focuses all its activities on service, productivity, and profitability. OUR BELIEFS Win-Win: or no deal Integrity: do the right thing Customers: always come first Commitment: in all things Communication: seek first to understand Creativity: ideas before results #kellerwilliamsrealty
