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Скачать с ютуб Asher Postman x Disero x Annelisa Franklin - Say (Acoustic Video) в хорошем качестве

Asher Postman x Disero x Annelisa Franklin - Say (Acoustic Video) 5 лет назад

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Asher Postman x Disero x Annelisa Franklin - Say (Acoustic Video)

Asher Postman x Disero x Annelisa Franklin - Say (Acoustic Video) ▶ Listen the Armada Music Top 100 playlist: Subscribe to the Armada Music YouTube channel: Click the 🔔 to stay updated with our new uploads! Michigan’s Asher Postman reunites with Annelisa Franklin after their previous ‘Going to the Sun’, joined here by Canada’s Eric Disero for an instantly familiar brand of EDM downtime not shy of making its pop intentions felt. ‘Say’ covers poolside sunsets, honeyed vocals, unspoken love in the air, classic acoustic strums, and ultimately the potential to soundtrack either a summer’s worth of lazy days or where nightfall becomes up close and personal. Filmed and directed by Daniel Hess Connect with Armada Music ▶  / armadamusic   ▶  / armadamusic   ▶  / armada   ▶  / armadamusic   ▶ #ArmadaMusic #AsherPostman #Say
