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Schwalbe Pro One 28mm tubeless tire 6000km review 5 лет назад

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Schwalbe Pro One 28mm tubeless tire 6000km review

After more than 6000km of riding the tire has visible wear and a couple of cuts but still works perfectly. Tires were switched back to front and front to back after arround 2500km. I run 6 bar (90psi) at the rear and 5 bar (70 psi) at the front. The tires measure 30mm in width mounted to Stans NoTubes ZTR Alpha 340 Tubeless Rims (inner width 17mm) using Stans Tubeless Vales, Stans Rim tape and Stans standard sealant. I have raced this setup on numerous Elite Crits and Road Races, it is also my everyday training setup and has seen 100 to 200 km of gravel riding. The ride feeling is great, that is something i noticed right from the beginning. It is hard to tell what exactly it is, but it just rolls great. I'm not claiming that it is faster than other tires (even though it might well be) but it definitly feels faster. I will use this model of tire again. I might try the 25mm version just to see how it compares. The 28mm however is great.
