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旅行既是生活景以遠心未離 Travel is not only the scene of life, but also the heart 生活也是旅行身未動心以遠 Life is also a journey without moving 大家好這裡是環遊泰國 Hello, everyone. This is a tour around Thailand 系列節目的第二十二集 Episode 22 of the series 我們來到了考艾國家森林公園 We came to Kauai National Forest Park 在這裡我們徒步穿越風光和瀑布 Here we hike through the scenery and waterfalls 看群峰百里觀看大象 Look at the peaks and elephants 在高高的草叢中漫步 Walking in the tall grass 長頸鹿獼猴或者老虎在樹林下閒逛 Giraffes, macaques or tigers roam under the woods 現在大家看到的就是 Now what you see is 泰國第二大的國家公園 Thailand's second largest national park 也就是考艾國家公園總占地面積 That is, the total area of Kauai National Park 達兩千一百六十八平方公里 It covers 2168 square kilometers 考艾當地人又稱之為大山 Kauai locals also call it Dashan 考艾是泰國基礎設施 Kauai is Thailand's infrastructure 較為完善的國家公園之一 One of the more perfect national parks 囙此每到節假日的時候 Every holiday 能够吸引大量的觀光度假遊客來此避暑 It can attract a large number of tourists for sightseeing and vacation to spend the summer here 你能想像到嗎? Can you imagine? 在泰國這樣炎熱的國家 In a hot country like Thailand 考艾冬季的溫度可以達到 The temperature of Kauai in winter can reach 十攝氏度以下 Below ten degrees Celsius 從曼谷出發兩個多小時車程之後 After more than two hours' drive from Bangkok 我們就來到了考艾國家公園的山門 We came to the Mountain Gate of Kauai National Park 在這座山裡被我們所熟知的 What we know in this mountain 植物種類達到三千餘種 There are more than 3000 plant species 已知的鳥類種類 Known bird species 也達到了三百二十餘種 It has also reached more than 320 species 另外還有六十七種獸類 In addition, there are 67 kinds of animals 包括虎、豺、長臂猿、亞洲獼猴亞洲象 Including tigers, jackals, gibbons, Asian macaques and Asian elephants 水鹿和赤鹿等等大型的動物 Large animals such as water deer and red deer 空氣太好了 The air is so good 太舒服的地方了 It's a very comfortable place 第一就看到這樣的風景 The first time I saw such a scenery 現在我們就來到了考艾 Now we come to Kauai 我們剛剛進入了考艾的山門 We just entered Kauai's Mountain Gate 這裡是考艾國家公園 This is Kauai National Park 世界自然文化遺產 World natural and cultural heritage 大家現在看到的這個 What you see now 入門石碑就是世界文化遺產的標誌碑 The entry stone tablet is the symbol of the world cultural heritage 這裡是考艾國家公園的地標 This is the landmark of Kauai National Park 這裡是世界自然文化遺產 This is the world natural and cultural heritage 在這就能看到外面全部的山景 You can see all the mountains outside here 現在我們在旅遊遊客中心了 Now we are at the tourist center 我們要去拿一些地圖和導覽資訊 We're going to get some maps and guide information 走我們進去看看 Let's go in and have a look 從山門買票進入後到這裡有十四公里 It's fourteen kilometers from here after buying a ticket from the mountain gate 和我進去看看吧 Come in with me 有這個地圖我們就不迷路了 With this map, we won't get lost 進入國家公園自駕駛十四公里之後 After driving 14 kilometers into the National Park 我們來到了遊客資訊中心 We came to the tourist information center 在這裡你可以獲取整座公園 Here you can get the whole park 最全方位的遊覽資訊 The most comprehensive tour information 包括在哪裡徒步 Including where to hike 在哪裡露營和怎樣車遊自駕 Where to camp and how to drive 在這裡都會有 It will be here 專門的工作人員為你指導 Special staff to guide you 今天我們來考艾玩 Today we come to Kauai 奶奶感覺怎麼樣 How does grandma feel 你說啥呢? What are you talking about? 用中文和我說話 Speak to me in Chinese 他問你高不高興 He asked you if Gao was happy 高興走去下一個景點 Happy to go to the next scenic spot 我們出來玩不是只有兩個人 We're not just two people out 還有六只狗跟我們一起 There are six dogs with us 昨晚都沒睡好覺 I didn't sleep well last night 小狗一直叫要吃奶 The dog kept barking for milk 狗媽媽就不給它們吃奶 Mother dogs don't feed them 你們看看這幾只貨 Look at these goods 他說就我們每次出來拍攝的時候 He said that every time we came out to shoot 都不是自己出來的 They didn't come out by themselves 家裡面有六只小狗 There are six puppies at home 然後兩隻大狗然後都跟著一起出來 Then the two big dogs came out together 昨天晚上他也沒睡覺 He didn't sleep last night 因為那個小狗一直要吃奶 Because the little dog has to be suckled all the time 大狗不讓吃 The big dog won't eat 它們睡得非常開心 They sleep very happily 然後讓他們出來喝點水 Then let them out for a drink 吃點飯喝了啊 Have some food and drink 我們得讓他們出來上廁所 We have to get them out to the bathroom 因為一路開過來很多公里了 Because I've driven many kilometers all the way 哎小心一點狗要跳出來了 Hey, be careful. The dog is about to jump out 走了去上廁所啦快跑 Let's go to the bathroom. Run 我們家這兩隻狗啊 Our two dogs 幾乎去過泰國所有的地方 I've been to almost all parts of Thailand 他們是兩隻幸福的狗 They are two happy dogs 上過山下過海 Go up the mountain and down the sea 去過國家公園 Been to the National Park 去過小島坐過遊船 I've been to the island and taken a cruise ship 空氣太好了這地方 The air is so good this place 面前的這一座小型的水庫 In front of this small reservoir 就是進入到考艾國家公園的 That's when we entered Kauai National Park 第一個景區了 The first scenic spot 由於現在是泰國的雨季 Because it's the rainy season in Thailand 可能你看上去天有一些陰陰的 Maybe you look a little cloudy 光線不是特別的好 The light is not particularly good 也沒有那種碧水藍天的景象 There is no such scene of clear water and blue sky 但是仍然可以感覺到 But you can still feel it 四周的空氣啊彌漫著那種植物的芬芳 The air around is filled with the fragrance of that plant 水呢也是非常的清澈 The water is also very clear 甚至可以清澈見底 You can even see the bottom 在這兒呢走一走 Here it is. Take a walk 真的是有一種心曠神怡的感覺 I really feel relaxed and happy 這個水庫的名字呢還有一段 There is another paragraph about the name of this reservoir 非常有意思的趣聞 Very interesting anecdote