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Touring the RebelLUG Tables at BRICKING BAVARIA 2021! 3 года назад

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Touring the RebelLUG Tables at BRICKING BAVARIA 2021!

Special Guest Waffles and RebelLUG Member Hugo take you through the display put together this year at Bricking Bavaria and talk a little about all the incredible MOCs that brought it to life. Thank you to the talented Justin who did a fantastic job filming this video. Brick Man Studios aka Justin -    / brickmanstudios   &   / brick_man_studios   Another thank you to our two fun hosts, Waffles and Hugo! Waffles -   / lamborghiniwafflesauce   Hugo -   / legofrenchbuilder   Check out more RebelLUG: RL FOL Hangout:   / discord   Shirts:   / rebellug     / rebellug     / rebellegousergroup   Apply to RebelLUG: Donate: #lego #rebellug #convention
