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Bullet For My Valentine - You Want a Battle? (Here's a War) (Official Audio) 9 лет назад

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Bullet For My Valentine - You Want a Battle? (Here's a War) (Official Audio)

New album 'Venom' Out Now! Apple Music: Spotify: Amazon: Google Play: LYRICS We will not take this anymore These words will never be ignored You want a battle Here's a war Down eyes of shame Made to feel dead again Your words cut deep Your lies are fuelled by your need for deceit Too scared to speak You're only alive when you torture the weak Now hear me roar I will not take this anymore These words will never be ignored You want a battle Here's a war Don't be afraid No remorse, no restraint These scars won't heal Now you're the victim I'm making you feel Like you are me I need you to know what you've done can you hear? Can you hear me roar? Don't suffer in your silence Know you are never alone Follow Bullet For My Valentine:   / bulletformyvalentine     / bfmvofficial     / bfmvofficial  
