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Should You Buy Tires At Walmart? 3 года назад

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Should You Buy Tires At Walmart?

In this video I review the different tires at Walmart and talk about my experience with buying tires from them. I have bought 4 different sets of tires including the Goodyear Viva 3 60,000 mile warranty tires and the Douglas All Season 45000 mile warranty tires.  I talk about the service and what to do if your tires don't make it to the mileage the warranty states. I talk about the service you get at Walmart and what to expect when shopping for tires. This is a must watch video if you are shopping for tires.  Value, Price, and Quality. AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER PLEASE READ: The links below are affiliate links. This means I will earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you, if you choose to click the link and make a qualifying purchase. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Amazon: Basic Safety Equipment - Safety Glasses On Amazon - Basic Safety Equipment - Nitrile Gloves On Amazon - Basic Safety Equipment - N95 Masks On Amazon - Basic Safety Equipment - Earplugs On Amazon - Intro/Outro Music: RKVC - Tropical Thunder DISCLAIMER PLEASE READ: For reasons beyond the control of Todd’s Garage there is no guarantee of the information in this video and/or description. Use of the information in this video and/or description is at your own risk. Todd’s Garage recommends the use of proper safety equipment and taking all safety precautions when working with the tools, items, or other things seen or talked about in this video and/or description. The information in this video and/or description does not guarantee a certain result or warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. Under no circumstances shall Todd’s Garage have any liability or responsibility for any injury, damage, or loss of any kind that may result from the use of the tools, items, information, or other things seen or talked about in this video and/or description. Any Injury, damage, or loss of any kind that may result from the use of the tools, items, information, or other things seen or talked about in this video and/or description is the sole responsibility and liability of the user.
