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Скачать с ютуб 2023 Husqvarna FC250 TESTED - Motocross Action Magazine в хорошем качестве

2023 Husqvarna FC250 TESTED - Motocross Action Magazine 2 года назад

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2023 Husqvarna FC250 TESTED - Motocross Action Magazine

#bike #motorcycle #sports Motocross Action tests the 2023 Husqvarna FC250 at Lake Elsinore Motorsports Park in Southern California. Just like the KTM, Husqvarna has changed their 250cc motocross model from head to toe. It has a new frame, new air-box, new swing-arm, new engine, new mapping, new map suite, new body work, new suspension settings, and more. We were hoping for more bottom end and overall power after a long run with the previous engine. Did we get it? Is the new frame better or worse? How different is the Husqvarna from the KTM? We answer all these questions and more in this TESTED video by the Motocross Action Wrecking crew. We took a little longer on the FC250 to figure it out and give you all the information we found. We hope this helps our viewers make a more sound decision when purchasing a new bike of their own. Subscribe to Motocross Action: Follow Motocross Action:    / @motocrossaction   Motocross Action Website: Motocross Action Facebook: Motocross Action Twitter:   / mxaction   Motocross Action Instagram:   / motocrossactionmag  
