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CTF Career Roof Plumber Vaughn Hammer 5 лет назад

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CTF Career Roof Plumber Vaughn Hammer

Construction Training Fund (CTF) is providing opportunities for a lot of people to make their career in the building and construction industry, including roof plumbers like Vaughn Hammer. Vaughn has had a lot of fulfilment out of his job as a roof plumber and he really enjoys learning new skills and getting to work in a hands-on environment. The Apprenticeship and Traineeship Grant for Employers has lead to opportunities to be trained as a roof plumber in the construction industry. This job could be right for you if you: Enjoy being outdoors, Have good maths and measurement skills Can plan and manage your time well Enjoy practical and manual activities Like subjects such as maths, English, design and technology and the manual subjects such as metal work There are a lot of great opportunities at the moment for roof plumbers within construction jobs. A typical working day may involve a variety of different tasks. On the job you will often be: fabricating and installing guttering and downpipes on residential building roofs in accordance with blueprints and specifications designing and installing roof drainage systems for specified roof types selecting the appropriate stormwater disposal systems for use on residential buildings and installing them calculating quantities, areas and volumes necessary for specified roofs from plans and blueprints - carrying out measurements necessary for the fabrication of gutters and downpipes installing appropriate stormwater disposal systems for use on residential buildings, with reference to factors such as roof size and rainfall, ground and soil type, existing sewerage and drainage To learn more about working as a roof plumber in the construction industry click here: CTF is creating a skilled and sustainable workforce for the Western Australian building and construction industry. We collect a training levy and use it to reduce the cost of training a diverse, job-ready workforce and educate the next generation about the variety of exciting roles and opportunities on offer in our industry. CTF can assist Western Australian construction employers and workers by: Making it more affordable for employers to hire apprentices through the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Grant for Employers Supporting workers’ unique training and skill requirements Helping applicants through the claims process Providing apprentices with upskilling opportunities and accommodation allowances
