У нас вы можете посмотреть бесплатно This is what ‘Success” Actually Means! Be familiar with a profound definition of success или скачать в максимальном доступном качестве, которое было загружено на ютуб. Для скачивания выберите вариант из формы ниже:
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Society in general has embraced an inadequately and erroneously defined concept of success that would put people in trouble. To help those have clung to that flawed definition of success, this video presents a rationally constructed definition of success. Proper understanding of what "success" means will put the seeker of success on the correct path and make the journey smooth. Prof. Basnagoda Rahula, the creator of this video, has been a Buddhist monk for over 35 years, a meditation teacher, and professor of English at Lone Star College-Montgomery, USA. His videos discuss the topics related to meditation, self-enrichment, Buddhism, physical and inner wellbeing, religion, psychology, and philosophy. #buddhism #buddha #dhamma #success #meditation