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Today we're taking a look at the magical world of, the live streaming app owned by This app is full of fun, from begging for likes to scamming children out of their parents' money. MERCH ► PATREON ►   / actualdannygonzalez   If you're actually reading this description comment "LOL" WHY DO I CALL MY FANS GREG? Greg is the strongest family on the internet, we're the fastest growing channel on Youtube, and we make fire content. So, instead of making up some pun using my name and calling my fans that, I decided to use a different name entirely. A name so strong, haters tremble when it is spoken. WE ARE GREG. AND WE ARE TAKING OVER THE INTERNET. And all you have to do to join is hit subscribe and turn on notifications. Follow me on Instagram ►   / dannygonzalez   Follow me on Twitter ►   / dannygonzalez   Follow me on Snapchat ► DannyGoonzalez
