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Скачать с ютуб Knuckle to do them correctly and how to progress to the top level в хорошем качестве

Knuckle to do them correctly and how to progress to the top level 11 месяцев назад

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Knuckle to do them correctly and how to progress to the top level

Monday: Knuckle pushups (two big knuckles) 3 sets of AMRAP (as many reps as possible) resting 90 seconds between sets. Wednesday: Knuckle push-ups (two small knuckles) 3 sets of AMRAP resting 90 seconds between sets Friday; Knuckle push-ups (neutral position) 3 sets of AMRAP resting 90 seconds between sets Decrease the rest period by 5 seconds every week until you get to second rest periods. Once you complete the final week (60 second rest periods) take a week off and retest your max. Thanks and enjoy the gains!
