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Lesson 1 | Discovering Aviation | Private Pilot Ground School

Dear valued subscribers and students of SkyEagle Aviation Academy! We are delighted to have seen all of the views and comments from our ground lessons we posted back in 2020. Ground lessons are vital to any individual looking to purse the opportunity of becoming a pilot because of the concentration on discussions, theory, and scenario-based knowledge. Unfortunately, there are many flight schools in the United States that forego the ground school model and focus solely on the flying portion of the course. Our SkyEagle Team believes that ground training is equally important as the practical portion of the training because it gives the foundation of the important knowledge needed prior to conducting the flying portion of the program. Our 141 school is currently utilizing the Jeppesen Syllabus and Courseware for all of our programs. These set of videos contain the knowledge for the full 35 hours of ground school required by the FAA, which is taught on site here in our school. We have now decided to make this content available for free to all individuals that are looking to become a pilot. Please enjoy our videos and give a warm and special thank you to our instructor, Scott Leach, for taking the time out of his busy schedule to present this knowledge to you all. Enjoy learning in private pilot ground school and subscribe our channel. Subscribe new channel about aviation ‪@About_Aviation‬ SkyEagle Aviation Academy, which is located in beautiful sunny South Florida, offers flight training at both Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport and Pompano Air Park. Both are excellent training facilities that are conveniently located in the heart of Broward County. SkyEagle’s Fleet consists of 7 Cessna 172s and a Beechcraft Duchess, which will meet all your training needs at a competitive price. We also have plans for future upgrades to our fleet so please stay tuned. Flight school: | [email protected] +1 (954) 772-1212 +1 (954) 519-8444 (TEXT ONLY) Instagram:   / skyeagleaviation   Sightseeing tours: #PPL #GroundSchool #PrivatePilot #PrivatePilotLicense #DiscoveringAviation #skyeagle
