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Скачать с ютуб Yangshuo YuLong River Bamboo Rafting Impression SanJie Liu Walking Tour | Guilin, China в хорошем качестве

Yangshuo YuLong River Bamboo Rafting Impression SanJie Liu Walking Tour | Guilin, China 1 год назад

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Yangshuo YuLong River Bamboo Rafting Impression SanJie Liu Walking Tour | Guilin, China

===================================== Please subscribe Benjamin Travel Walk 👉    / @benjaminloke   ===================================== Yulong River Bamboo Rafting and Impression SanJie Liu light Show Walking Tour 2019 YangShuo Yulong River Bamboo Rafting Guilin Elephant Trunk Hill Guilin Sun and Moon Pagodas Impression SanJie Liu light Show Yulong River bamboo rafting is the most favored for YangShuo visitors, as you can appreciate the comparatively more serene countryside view and authentic life style of local residents. Furthermore, taking the most traditional non-motorized bamboo raft steered by the boatman, you will catch the more enjoyable moments to lay back and immerse into the infinite joy and peace! The Elephant Trunk Hill is a hill, landmark and tourist attraction in Guilin, Guangxi, China. It is not only one of the major tourist attractions of Guilin, an international tourist city, but also the symbol of Guilin, which uses elephant trunk mountain and osmanthus flower as its city emblem. The Sun and Moon Pagodas are twin pagodas located in Guilin, Guangxi, China. Originally built in the city moat of Guilin during the Tang dynasty, the pagodas were reconstructed in 2001 using historical records as the centerpiece of Riyue Shuangta Cultural Park—–a park themed around the unity of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. The 'Impression of Liu Sanjie' is an outdoor night show beside the Li River in Yangshuo County which is 60km from Guilin. There are 600 actor and actress involved and most of them are fishermen from the villages along the river. Zhang Yimou, the chief director of the performance, who is also the chief director of the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic 2008, creatively combines the classical Liu Sanjie’s folk songs and ethnic group culture together and presents a large-scale realistic performance in harmony with landscape. Date recorded : May, 2019 Camera : Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Gimbal: ZhiYun Smooth Q #china #guilin #chinatravel
