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Moving from California to Utah | WHAT YOU MUST KNOW | Living in Salt Lake City Utah

In this video I talk about what its like living in salt lake city and more specifically what its like living in Utah if you're moving from California to Utah or relocating from California to Utah. This channel is all about living in Salt Lake City Utah, moving to Salt Lake City Utah, and relocating to Salt Lake City Utah. We also cover living in the Salt Lake City suburbs, moving to the Salt Lake City suburbs, and relocating to the Salt Lake City suburbs. Subscribe here: 💥 Contact me here 💥 I am your Salt Lake City Real Estate Agent Marvin Alvarado Book a call with me: Call or text (801) 232-9039 Email: [email protected] 🔥 Follow me here 🔥 Instagram:   / marvxman   Facebook:   / marvxman   TikTok: utah realtor, moving to salt lake city utah, cost of living in utah, living in salt lake city
