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Deep Purple - Sail Away 12 лет назад

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Deep Purple - Sail Away

This is the fourth track from Deep Purple's eighth album, Burn (1974). Lineup (Mk III) - Ritchie Blackmore: guitar, David Coverdale: lead vocals, Glenn Hughes: bass guitar and vocals, John Lord: keyboard, and Ian Paice: drums Lyrics: If you're driftin' on an empty ocean with no wind to fill your sail, the future, your horizon, it's like searchin' for the Holy Grail. You feel there's no tomorrow as you look into the water below. It's only your reflection and you still ain't got no place to go. Time will show, when, I don't know. Sail away tomorrow, sailin' far away. To find it steal or borrow. I'll be there someday Oh, woman, I keep returnin to sing the same old song. The story's been told, now I'm gettin' old. Tell me,where do I belong? Feel like I'm goin' to surrender, nard times I've had enough. If I could find a place to hide my face, I believe, I could get back up. Time will show, when, I don't know. Sail away tomorrow, sailin' far away. To find it steal or borrow. But I'll be there someday Sail away tomorrow, sailin' far away. To find it steal or borrow. But I'll be there someday Sail away tomorrow, sailin' far away. To find it steal or borrow. But I'll be there someday
