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Скачать с ютуб Traditional method of preserving Apricots in the Mountainous Village of Gilgit Baltistan | Pakistan в хорошем качестве

Traditional method of preserving Apricots in the Mountainous Village of Gilgit Baltistan | Pakistan 4 месяца назад

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Traditional method of preserving Apricots in the Mountainous Village of Gilgit Baltistan | Pakistan

The Traditional method of preserving Apricots in the high Mountains of Pakistan. Summers in Gilgit Baltistan brings lot of Apricots. We can't finish them just eating so we dry them . Many ways to use dry apricot and its seeds for food. Some famous traditional recipes of Siachen you can make from dry apricots is Chamus Haniey Dowdo ( apricot kernel soup) In Haniey Dowdo, I added Homan( flax seeds) with Hani ( apricot Seeds which are crushed in stone pit) . Wheat flour noodles handmade are added with Mint at the end. This Uncle Name is Salam He live in Siachen Ghursay- Gilgit Baltistan Thank you so much for watching. Please hit the subscribe button to watch more videos in the future and smash like button. #siachenvillage #shirazivillagevlogs #dryfruits #dryapricot
