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3 Mistakes every DM makes - D&D 5e

Though these mistakes will RARELY ruin a game, they're little traps that DMs can easily fall into. Keeping an eye on the transition from narrative to initiative, ensuring that you don't overuse maps, and avoiding "gotcha" moments are three simple keys to improving your game of D&D. The tips on improving your D&D at those points don't always feel natural at first, and they're not going to apply to EVERY instance. But going through the discomfort a few times will help you to be more cognizant so they become another tool in your toolbox. Chapters: 00:00 The Very Beginning 00:27 #1 Premature Initiative-ication 03:50 #2 Gratuitous Mapping 06:42 #3 Playing Gotcha Links: The Angry GM’s “Trap’s Suck” Article - Telegraphing Danger Video -    • How Telegraphing Danger Will Improve ...   Exploration Fix Video -    • Passive Checks Ruining Exploration? B...   SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL ≫ ⚔️ Got video suggestions? Let me know here: 🥤Do you want to buy me a cold energy drink? If so, click here 🥤🥤 Inquiries - [email protected] DISCLOSURE This video is not sponsored. #dnd ​​#dnd5e ​​#ttrpg #dmtips
