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Скачать с ютуб I save this old out of tune upright piano from being thrown away в хорошем качестве

I save this old out of tune upright piano from being thrown away 2 года назад

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I save this old out of tune upright piano from being thrown away

Rescuing an old German upright piano from disposal which hasn't been tuned for nearly 20 years! I tackle the problems on a budget. A fellow dealer had this piano in his van and was on his way to the tip but dropped it off to my place. The piano was very out of tune so I tuned the piano back up to concert pitch. Piano tuning, string repair and removing a mouse nest were the main issues. Key Words... Beginner piano. Fixing an old piano. Free piano. Buying an old piano. Is it worth fixing. Repairing piano strings. Tuning an old piano.
