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2017 Super High Roller Bowl | Episode 1 | PokerGO

The 2017 Super High Roller Bowl brought together the best players in the world who all bought in for $300,000. A staggering $6,000,000 awaits the winner of this event, and on this episode, you get to see Hollywood star Kevin Hart battle with Bryn Kenney, Cary Katz, Phil Hellmuth, Justin Bonomo, Haralabos Voulgaris and Ben Tollerene on Day 1 of the event. Watch "Super High Roller Bowl" and more live poker, exclusively on PokerGO! Sign-Up for an annual subscription and get $10 off! Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Connect with Poker Central on Social: Facebook:   / pokercentral   Twitter:   / pokercentral   Instagram:   / pokercentral   Twitch:   / pokercentral   Snapchat: pokercentral Periscope: Connect with PokerGO on Social: Facebook:   / pokergo   Twitter:   / pokergo  
