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Tax Treaty Shopping and Anti Treaty Shopping Rules (How do they matter to you?)

Get personalized advice about tax, asset protection, offshore banking, residency, and citizenships: You can visit our websites for more information about us: & Today we are answering the question from one of our subscribers, who asked us to make a video about Treaty Shopping. We are going to discuss what treaty shopping is, and how does it help you to decrease your withholding tax rates. What are anti-treaty shopping rules and what do you need to know about them? Let's put this into a perspective. Imagine that you bought stocks in the US, and you got paid in dividends. Well, that dividend income is subject to withholding tax in the US, and the default withholding rate is 30%. Not that investment is not such a good deal anymore! Keep in mind that there will be withholding tax on dividends, royalties, interest, etc. How do you deal with this? Instead of you directly doing the investment (or your company) you will be looking at tax treaties that will allow you to reduce this tax rate. This means that you could form a company in a country that has good tax treaties with the US (or wherever you're investing) and this way you will avoid taxes. Sounds too good? Yeah, that's why they decided to introduce rules against treaty shopping. In order to take advantage of treaty shopping, you can't simply form a shell company somewhere. You'll need to design a corporate structure with actual substance. In that case, you can certainly take advantage of tax treaties stress-free. Who are we and what do we do? We are Offshore Citizen team. We help people become global: get a second passport, set up a second residency, pay less taxes, do banking abroad, etc. We have lots of interesting articles on different topics, we have relevant information up to date. Author: Michael Rosmer Feel free to join our community! Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel    / @offshorecitizen  
