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Скачать с ютуб DTC Mitsubishi P1590 Short Explanation в хорошем качестве

DTC Mitsubishi P1590 Short Explanation 4 года назад

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DTC Mitsubishi P1590 Short Explanation

The video focuses on the basic Mitsubishi specific diagnostic error code. Contents: 0:21 Basic DTC analysis according to OBD2 protocol standard. 1:48 Insight into programming an explanation of what a bit is and how a byte is formed decoding the Error Code to the base programming 2:58 A diagnostically understandable description of the Diagnostic Trouble Code 3:05 Basic error definition Possible causes or errors of the car and its parts describing the mentioned error We will continue to work on improving the content. Our efforts at Maxidot s.r.o.the video content gets better. #maxidot #dtc #howto #diagnostictroublecode #mitsubishi Make: Mitsubishi Code: P1590 Definition: Transmitter ID1 Operation Stop Description: Tire pressure warning valve and transmitters stop transmitting signals. Cause: Tire pressure warning valve and transmitter Tire pressure warning ECU
