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Top 10 Job Skills of the Future | Job Skills of Tomorrow

Which jobs will be in high demand in the future? Which jobs are losing prominence? What are the required job skills of the future? Based on Future of Jobs Report-2020, World Economic Forum has released 10 Jobs of the Future and 10 jobs that will decrease in demand. It surveys worldwide by 2025 on the form of required skills, and industry strategy, etc. 00:00 Top 10 Job Skills of the Future Intro 00:33 Future jobs employees statistics 01:03 Most demanding jobs in the future 04:57 Job skills of tomorrow 05:35 Demand decreasing jobs Time needed to start building new jobs skills of tomorrow. #JobSkillsOfTheFuture #FutureJobs #DemandingJobs ---- Follow Us: - Facebook:   / softskye   Twitter:   / softskye   LinkedIn:   / softskye   Instagram:   / softskyeonline   Pinterest:   / softskye   ---- For Professional Digital Marketing Services: Visit: Mail to: [email protected]
